How Will the Insurance Company Determine Fault in a Car Accident?


Car accidents happen when you are least expecting them. No matter how many years of experience you have in driving, someone else being careless on the road can lead to a collision. The severity of the injuries you face in a car accident depends on various factors. 


In some cases, the victim will walk away with minor bruises, while in some cases, the accident can be fatal or leave the patient with permanent disabilities. Regardless of the severity, you must file for a car accident claim to get financial compensation for the damages and injury with the assistance of an accident attorney Cheyenne, WY.


How will the insurance company determine fault?


The insurance company simply does not grant you compensation when you file for a car accident claim saying the other driver was at fault. The fault is determined first. Only then the compensation amount will be decided. Usually, after a car accident, you are supposed to contact the police. The police will prepare an official police report with all the details about the accident, including who is at fault. 


However, the police report alone does not prove the liability. There are various acts of negligence, including reckless driving, violation of traffic laws, distracted driving, driving under the influence, and more. It takes the assistance of car accident lawyers to prove negligence. 


If the fault is not determined, it could be challenging to get a fair settlement for the insurance company. The insurance company will conduct a thorough investigation to determine who is at fault. Each document or process helps unlock different factors to determine fault. 


The insurance company will consider the following analysis: 


  • Police report. 
  • Witness statements. 
  • Pictures and videos of the accident scene. 
  • Admission of guilt by any driver. 
  • Damage to the vehicle. 
  • Physical injuries. 


Should you contact a lawyer?


Undoubtedly, proving fault is a complex process. You cannot hand over your bills to the insurance company and expect them to pay. The investigation process is time-consuming to determine liability. Additionally, the evidence you provide also plays a crucial role. 


If you are not a professional in the field of law, there are chances that you will make mistakes, taking your time and efforts to vain. Therefore, it is advisable to let a lawyer handle your case in such cases. They are skilled, professional, and experienced in handling similar cases to yours. So you can focus on your recovery and well-being following the accident. At the same time, the lawyer helps build a solid case to ensure you get maximum compensation from the insurance company. 



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