Addressing Energy Waste In Commercial Buildings

As the energy shortage intensifies, prices will continue to rise and impact the bottom line of organizations large and small. To avoid financial setbacks — while also making strides toward sustainability goals — energy waste must be addressed in commercial buildings. There are two main approaches to improving energy efficiency in a commercial building.

One approach is to change workplace practices. A great place to get started is to perform an energy audit. Doing so helps identify areas of waste while also providing insight for energy use plan development. Part of the plan should also entail company-wide sustainability processes. Organizations are encouraged to instruct employees on modern energy consumption procedures and instill a sustainability-minded culture, with employee incentives for little-to-low waste outcomes. Establishing eco-friendly practices may seem trivial, however, small changes can add up quickly. The key is to achieve high levels of participation.

Another recommendation is to reach out to professional services with energy marketplace software to become an energy broker partner. Utilizing these advanced energy supply solutions helps save big on electricity costs. By looking at the equipment, employee culture, and all other aspects of the business, the software works to eliminate phantom electrical loads, water waste, and so many other detriments to the bottom line.

For more, continue reading below!

Commercial Building Energy Usage 101 from Power Kiosk, a provider of energy procurement services

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